Baha Uddin Zakariya University Multan has issued the complete schedule for the
LLB class for the year 2017. The candidates can send their
application forms for the BZU LLB part 1, 2 and 3 with the single fee till 22-9-2017. The candidates can also submit their admission ...
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University of Sargodha conducted the supply exams of Doctor of Physical Therapy and now the UoS DPT
supply exams result 2017 is declared and it is provided to the students online.
UoS DPT result 2017 for the supply exams is provided on this page with ...
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- Thursday, September 7, 2017, 10:05
- Karachi University, News, University
Karachi, The Exams department of
University of Karachi issued complete and comprehensive schedule for DLO (Diploma in Laryngology & Oto-Rhinology)
part 1 and 2 annual exams 2017. The candidates are advised to submit
application forms with the payment of regular fee of Rs.6300/- from 28-8-2017 to ...
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Karachi, The Exams department of
University of Karachi has issued the complete schedule for diploma in Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases
annual exams 2017 and the candidates are asked to send their
application forms with the regular fee of Rs.12100/- from 28-8-2017 to 12-9-2017. The candidates can ...
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- Thursday, September 7, 2017, 9:27
- Punjab University, University
, University of the Punjab held BSc Medical Laboratory Technology part 2 annual exams 2016 few months earlier. Now the exams department of Punjab University has announced the PU BSc Medical Laboratory Technology course
result 2017, which is now provided on this page with the relevant information. The ...
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- Wednesday, September 6, 2017, 11:08
- Admissions, University
Shifa Medical College Islamabad has started the admission process in the
MBBS class and the candidates can get the admission forms, so that they can get admission and carry on their education in MBBS class. The candidates will download the admission forms from the website and they can complete it by providing all necessary information in the admission forms. The candidates ...
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- Wednesday, September 6, 2017, 10:53
- Admissions, University
Shifa College of Medicine SCM has started the admission process for
MBBS class and the candidates are asked to send their application forms for the MBBS to get admission and carry on their education. The candidates can read the eligibility criteria meant for grant of admission and the entry test will be conducted by
NTS in the main cities like Karachi, Lahore, ...
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- Wednesday, September 6, 2017, 10:45
- Admissions, University
Pir Mehar Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University is located in Rawalpindi and this university is providing quality and high standard of education at the undergraduate, postgraduate and other programs. The candidates can download the
admission forms from the website of the university and the challan forms amounting to Rs.1500/-. The candidates should also check their eligibility criteria for grant of admission ...
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- Wednesday, September 6, 2017, 10:38
- Admissions, University
The admissions are opened in the
barani Institute of Management Sciences Rawalpindi for the programs of BS(CS),
BBA and
MBA classes. The candidates can download the admission forms or they can get the application forms from this page and they can apply online for grant of admission in the above mentioned disciplines. The candidates can send their application forms ...
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- Wednesday, September 6, 2017, 9:55
- Admission Open, Admissions, University
University of Malakand has started the
admission process in the BS 4 years programs in Psychology. The admission forms and prospectus are available from National Bank,
University of Malakand Branch for Rs.1100/- and the students can send their application forms till the closing date of 15-9-2017. The Hafiz-e-Quran test will be conducted on 18 September and the interview ...
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