University of Central Punjab 2013 fall Admissions
- Wednesday, July 24, 2013, 10:14
- Admission Open, Admissions, Punjab University
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There has been an invitation for application in various programs announced by the University of Central Punjab. The admissions in these programs are usually announced once two times in a year, in fall and then in spring session. The University of Central Punjab announces the admissions of faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Pharmacy once in a year. All the candidates who are interested should visit the campus in order to get more information about the programs in which they want to enroll themselves. All the necessary documents should be attached with the application forms and submitted within the last date as the applications will only be acceptable this way by the admission office. The students will then be issued with an admit card after submitting applications and paying their dues and the admit card will have following information in it; the reference number, date of admission test, interview date as well as the test venue. Acceptance letter s is mailed to the addresses of the candidates after the merit list of successful candidates is announced as well.
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