University of Hull PhD Studentships 2015
- Tuesday, December 30, 2014, 6:59
- Admissions, Scholarships
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To gain the studentships of University of Hull PhD for UK, European and international aspirants you must have got undergraduate degree with no less than 2.1 and Masters or alike in a relevant line of study. The fees at the ‘home/EU’ student cost and upkeep (£13,863 in 2014/15) for approximately 3 years will be involved in full time UK or European PhD programs as well it appertain upon the satisfactory improvement. Full time international cost PhD scholarships might involve full fees at the international scholar’s rate round about 3 academic years that may appertain on satisfactory improvement.
Application Deadline:
End date for submission of applications is Feb 2nd 2015.
Course level:
For continuing PhD these scholarships are obtainable.
Provider of scholarship:
The University of Hull, UK is offering these scholarships.
Eligibility criteria:
For the qualification of these scholarships, all the aspirants must have got undergraduate degree which has to be no less than 2.1 and masters, as well equivalent in relevant line of study.
Who can apply for these scholarships?
Applicants from UK, Europe or international are relevant for these PhD scholarships.
Total number of awards:
Almost eighty studentships will be offered to the international applicants.
Time period for Scholarship:
For about 3 years these scholarships will be provided.
By March 20th 2015 all the qualified candidates will be informed.
Mode of Applying:
Through online sources the applicants can apply for this scholarship.
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