University Rankings for 2015 by HEC


For 129 Pakistani universities, HEC has announced the annual ranking for the year 2015.

The award of Pakistan’s best university is achieved by Quaid-e-Azam University while University of the Punjab (PU) Lahore and National University of Science & Technology (NUST) took 2nd and 3rd positions in the list respectively. NUST took 3rd position after jumping from 6th position while the top 2 universities are at the position for quite some time.

Community development, social integration, infrastructure & facilities, finance, research papers, teaching standards and quality assurance of the universities are used for these rankings. HEC Chairman told that universities can create social integration and affiliation through community development.

After dropping two positions, University of Agriculture Faisalabad came down to the 4th place. Another university that dropped its position is COMSATS that came from 4th to 6th position. The list of Top 10 universities is given here:

Pakistan Institute of Engineering & Applied Sciences (PIEAS) dropped down from top position among Engineering and Technology Universities and is replaced by NUST this year while the 3rd position this year is taken by Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences (GIKI) Topi. Previously, University of Lahore was at 3rd spot which is now at 5th spot this year. Complete list is provided below.

Iqra University Karachi is at the top of list of universities in Business Education while last year, the university was not even in the Top 5 in the category. The production of large number of PhDs is the reason for IU to get top ranked in business education category. The Lahore School of Economics and Institute of Business Administration (IBA) Karachi took 2nd and 3rd positions in the list respectively.

The top university in the list of medical universities remained the Aga Khan University Karachi while University of Health Sciences Lahore and DOW University Karachi took 2nd and 3rd positions respectively. Iqra University is the only addition in the list which took 5th position from Riphah International University Islamabad while RIU is not even in the top 13 positions this year.

The first 3 positions in the list of Agriculture and Veterinary universities are taken by University of Agriculture Faisalabad, University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences Lahore and University of Agriculture Peshawar. Complete list is provided below.

National College of Arts (NCA) Lahore came at 1st and Indus Valley School of Art & Architecture Karachi took 2nd spot and these are the only colleges to get ranking in the list of Arts universities.

Check out full list of HEC University Rankings for 2015:

HEC University Rankings for 2015

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