USF Lead ICT Program for Girls in Islamabad


The ministry of information technology has organized the information & communication technology (ICT) initiative for girls empowerment with the collaboration of Bait-ul-Mal, Microsoft and Universal Services Fund on Friday here.

USF and Bait-ul-Mal signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) under this initiative in order to teach latest computer knowledge to the girls of the whole country.

The agreement was signed by CEO USF and Mr. Abid Waheed Sheikh, MD Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal representing their respective organizations. Finance Minister Ishaq Dar and State Minister for IT Anusha Rehman were also present during the occasion.

According to this agreement, Microsoft will upgrade 50 IT labs of Bait-ul-Mal around the country in the initial phase which will provide the facilities of computing, coding, communication and coaching to around 5000 girls of these institutes.

Finance Minister Ishaq Dar said that PTCL will provide free internet services to these students while 5 outstanding students will get one laptop each.

He said that the current government has the vision to empower all factions of society and which also include women by providing them an equal opportunity for attaining fiscal independence. They are aware of their responsibility and these measures are clearing showing their seriousness in this matter.

The minister added that the girls participating in this program will prove to be a real talent in the future and he appreciates the IT ministry and other partners in this program which are working together to provide technical education to the girls.

Dar said that the government is trying to achieve economic growth by providing job opportunities to the talented youth and they are providing these job opportunities through ICT growth according to their manifesto. He said that now the govt. has reduced the fiscal deficit from 8 to 4 percent and their new agenda is to provide employment generation facilities.

He told that the 4% fiscal deficit was achieved by banning the duty free import of luxury cars for VIPs and reducing current expenditure while 4% fiscal deficit is acceptable for developing countries by international standards. However, he admitted that continuous economic reforms are necessary to sustain economic progress.

Minister of state for IT Anusha Rehman said that the goal of women empowerment will be achieved through this step and they will achieve socio economic progress under the leadership of PM Nawaz Sharif.

She said that this initiative will provide computer facility and training to thousands of women studying in Bait-ul-Mal in the whole country and it would help them to earn their livelihood through their homes also and the government will increase the scope of this training to the telecentres also to benefit as many girls as possible.

The Microsoft Country head Nadeem said that their company is playing an important role to provide modern technology to the girls in order to empower women of Pakistan. He also appreciated the role of IT ministry for making partnership with important players for such type of social beneficial subjects.

MD Baitul Mal Abid Waheed Shaikh, Chairperson of National Commission on Status of Women Khawar and CEO USF also expressed their thoughts during the occasion.

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