What Is GAT General ?
- Monday, June 13, 2011, 9:40
- NTS, Test Prep
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The Higher Education Commission (HEC) has assigned National Testing Service (NTS) the responsibility to conduct GRE Type Test i.e. Graduate Assessment Test GAT-GENERAL for admissions in M.Phil and HEC Scholarship Schemes.
* The test result will remain valid for “TWO YEAR” for admissions and HEC Scholarship Schemes.
Candidates with a minimum of sixteen years of education are eligible to appear in the test.
- Candidate intending to improve their previous GAT Score can also apply.
- The candidates will have to qualify other specified criteria of the Universities / HEC Schemes.
* Mobile phones are not allowed in Test Center Premises.
* As per HEC policy decision, the GAT test validity (GAT – General / Subject) for TWO YEARS will be effective from 1st January 2007 onwards.
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