Southeast Part of China


In the south of the Southeast part of China there is Tibet and in the south of Tibet there is Himalayas region. Actually the Tibet comes in the subtropics region that’s why the temperature of Tibet is very low because Tibet lies very high. The day and night temperature of this region is very strong that is why Tibet is well known as Roof of the World. The biggest reason behind it is the Himalaya region which is located in this area. The capital of the Tibet province is the Lhasa which is round about 3658 meters high.


The living conditions in the area of Tibet are very difficult that is the reason little peoples live there. The climate is little moderate in the southern part of the Tibet where Lhasa lies. There are also many steppes in the Tibet area and the forests are above all in the peripheral areas of the Tibet where the climate remains warm and humid. From cultivation point of view there are barley and wheat which is cultivated in the Tibet. Barley is also cultivated even in more than 4000 meters high area. In the Himalaya region there is also world’s highest mountain which is known as Mount Everest which stands between the borders of China and Nepal. The height of Mount Everest is round about 8850 meters.


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