AIOU to start skill-based courses for women


Special skill based courses for females have been introduced the Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) which will allow them to gain their livelihood and to maintain a honorable position in the society.

From the current 1.3 million enlistments, 54% are the females, whom are living in far flung areas of the country.

The Vice Chancellor Professor Dr. Shahid Siddiqui mentioned in his message to students during the opening of the admission process for upcoming semester (Spring 2015) “The AIOU is completing its national duty as a mega University in Public sector”.

He mentioned that the admission procedure has been further simplified to make easiness for the students. Along with the preferred Banks a working arrangement has been made to make sure that information about deposit of Fee by each student should be quickly contacted to the management of the University for Further Process.

He as well admitted that some upcoming courses have been announced from SSC (Secondary School Certificate) to PhD levels to meet the current requirements and motivate people to actively take part in the socio-economic enhancement. University’s 44 regional officers have been deployed to investigate student’s details on an urgent basis. The Complaint Management Cell has been turned out effective also to amendment problems of students.

Previously, he was talking about the 2 days symposium on curriculum development in higher education, Dr. Shahid Siddique mentioned that the AIOU is going to incorporate innovations in its course of study to motivate young individual to meet present day challenges in socio-economic field.

“We have to approach status quo in current mode of study at various levels. A mechanism has been developed by the AIOU to update its course of studies and textbooks on an urgent basis” he admitted. The improvement of knowledge, talents and human values is going be kept in view whereas redesigning and refining course of studies. The training of teachers is very important to make sure the implementation of curriculum in the classroom.

The Teacher must be the example what he teaches to his students. If the students are taught regarding the regulations and good things the teacher should himself practice them to gain the preferred results. He emphasized that the course of studies should allow students to prepare themselves well adjusted socially and economically in their real life.


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