Conference on Problem of Peace and Pashtun Held at UoP


A one day conference on problems of peace and pashtun was held at Pashto Department University of Peshawar in which speakers uprooted lack of tolerance, diversion from its own cultural norms and lack of development in education and manufacturing sector as the main cause of turmoil on Pashtun soil. They said, peace is becoming a global challenge but the big powers are not serious to take long term measures to annihilate its very basic causes and in most cases they themselves are becoming culprits in creating a war like situation in the under privileged countries.

The participants criticized western media for a negative propaganda against pashtuns and their soil, and blamed them of presenting a false picture of pashtuns to the world, thus bringing a bad name to them. They said that western media is manipulating the facts while the exact scenario is that actually external powers are using our soil as a battle field for their long term financial and strategic gains.

Pashtuns are a peace loving people who believe in mutual harmony as is evident from the era of Pashto poetry right from Rohani to Amir Hamza Baba said Professor Aseer Mangal. He categorized inequality, lack of dialogue based on facts as the main cause of poor image of pashtuns in the world and the problems confronting them.

The chief guest of the day, Prof. Dr.Azmat Hayat underlined the need for strengthening Pashto language and literature to a level so that it becomes language of the market as one possible way to overcome the problems confronted. Languages keep a nation alive, the world wants to know about us but we are unable to present our real picture because the good work done by our forefathers have not been translated into various languages while Pashto language is least understood in the world, he added.

Dr. Azmat said that transition period comes in history of every country and probably we are passing through the same. The way to overcome these problems is to adopt a national policy based on mutual cooperation, positive forward looking approach and keeping strategic relations with countries on mutual respect and interests.

Earlier Prof. Islam Gohar in his welcome address to the participants described the importance of the seminar to the audience.



Mr.Akhtar Amin
Media & Protocol Officer
University of Peshawar

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