ISRA University MBBS, BDS Admissions 2017
- Thursday, August 24, 2017, 7:27
- Admissions, University
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Isra University is highly ranked university by HEC and it is also recognized by the PM&DC, NBEAC, PEC, CPSP and NCEAC. Isra University offers admissions to the eligible candidates in the health sciences department (MBBS, BDS, DPT and BS in Vision Sciences and Nursing), engineering and management sciences in undergraduate programs (BE in Electrical Engineering and Civil Engineering, BS in Software Engineering, Telecommunication, Computer Science, Electronics and Information Technology and BBA) and in the engineering and management sciences post graduate (MS, MPhil, MBA and PhD program).
The candidates are asked to send their application forms till the last date of 29 September 2017 and the admission test will be conducted on 07 October 2017 and the tests will be conducted in the test centers at Karachi, Multan, Islamabad, Sukkur and Hyderabad. The candidates can read the eligibility criteria for each program, which is given for the candidates and the aspirants will follow them at the time of sending the application forms.