Madressa tul Islam Sindh Given University Status
Karachi: According to recent news the Secretary of Education Sindh named Mohammad Siddique Memon has said that only the provincial government has concerned with the Sindh Madressa tul Islam (SMI). He said more that the Sindh Madressa tul Islam is basically a primary institution of the province of Sindh and needs to be upgrade to university to provide best quality of education to more and more peoples.
Secretary Education Sindh has also said that the government and other educational departments are committed to raise the status of Madressa tul Islam to University level. He said to all students, staff members and faculty of SMI College during his visit to SMI College institution on Monday. He spoke to news, students and many other persons that were gathered at Sir Shah Nawaz Bhutto Auditorium.
The secretary of education also said that the best teachers of SMI College are communicating the best and quality education to all the youngsters of new generation and we should improve the education level to its best with the passage of time.
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