Quaid-e-Azam University awarded degrees to 1,287 graduates


Islamabad, Quaid-e-Azam University (QAU) awarded degrees and medals to 1,287 graduates in its annual convocation 2012 on Thursday, after completion of their academic education successfully.

Overall 887 students of Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Biological and Medicine Sciences received MSc degrees while 281 students received MPhil and 115 received PhD degrees. 4 students belong to Faculty of Medicine Sciences received degree after completion of their MS/MD/MDS.

About 135 medals including with Chancellors Medal and President’s Gold Medal were also awarded to the fresh graduates who have shown extra ordinary performance in their academic session. Chairman Senate, Nayyar Hussain Bokhari was chief guest in this event. He expressed that youth is the power for national development and they must pay attention for seeking knowledge and research work.

He paid great tribute to the QAU staff for getting top position among other universities. He emphasized the students for use their powers for productive objectives and work for the betterment of the country. He also added that he knew the problems facing by the university administration and their long awaiting requests for establishment of housing scheme will be accomplished immediately. He also congratulated the degree holders and wished them for a bright future.

Dr. Masoom Yasinzai, Vice Chancellor of Quaid-e-Azam University said while addressing the audience that university was established in 1967 which becomes one of the best institutions in the world.

The university has commenced four year BS program on trial basis which was greatly appreciated and it will be carried on with offering of more program in future.

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