About UK


Actually the United Kingdom is sovereign state that is located off the coasts of North Western of the continental Europe. Basically the Island of Great Britain, many smaller islands and Ireland’s North Western Coasts of Island are included in the country. The northern islands are actually UK’s only part that is surrounded by the North Sea, Atlantic Ocean, Irish Sea and the English Channel.


Popularity: approximately 62,698,400.

Population Growth Annually: 0.557%

Ethnic Major Groups: White 92 % (From which English 82 %, Scottish 7.5 %, Welsh 2.5 %), Black 2 %, Pakistani 1.3 %, Indian 1.8 %, Mixed 2.8 %

Religions: Christian 71.6 %, Hindu 1 %, Muslims 2.7 % unspecified religions 23.1 %

Languages: Welsh, English, Scottish Gaelic and Irish Gaelic.

Education: Attendance approximately 100 % and Literacy approximately 99%

Health: Deaths 4.52 / 1,000 live births.

Expectancy of Life: Females 82.25 Years, Males 77.95 Years

Area: 243,610 Sq. Km

Cities: London (The Capital), West Yorkshire, Birmingham, Liverpool, Glasgow, Bristol, Manchester, Belfast, Edinburgh and Bradford.

Terrain: arable 30 %, meadow and pasture 50 %, waste or urban 12 %, forested 7 % and inland water 1 %.

Used Land: arable 25 %, meadow and pasture 46 %, forest and woodland 10 %, other 19 %.

Climate: weather conditions of UK frequently changed but not change to temperature of extremes.


Find here More about UK:

  1. Government of the UK
  2. Peoples of the UK
  3. History of the UK
  4. Union
  5. The expansion of the British and Empire
  6. Government of UK
  7. UK Government official’s Principals
  8. Political conditions of the United Kingdom
  9. Foreign Relations and Defense
  10. Economy of the UK


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