canada education system

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Be sure that you submitted complete application

Be sure that you submitted complete application: You have to consult the visa office or their website to check whether you have to fill out any other addition form with your application or not.     For more information about Study in Canada please visit here: Full story

Include Correct Student Visa Application Fee

Include Correct Student Visa Application Fee: Usually there is a processing fee of application when ever you apply for student permit. The current fee for application for Student Visa is $75 and the current fee for application for Temporary Residence Visa is $75. Before submitting your application you have to verify the fees from the office where you submit your application.     For more information about Study ... Full story

Complete Application for Study Visa Permit

Complete Application for Study Visa Permit: 1.      You have to fill the form very carefully. 2.      You have to follow all the instructions. 3.      You have print clearly and can use computer or a type writer. 4.      You have to add some appropriate characters for those languages that don’t use Latin alphabets that include Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, and Cyrillic etc. 5.      You have to sign your application form.     For more information ... Full story

Collection of documents that are required before applying to student visa

Collection of documents that are required before applying to student visa: 1.      Valid Passport which should be valid for one year. 2.      Letter of acceptance is required the most 3.      Proof that you have enough funds to support your study costs and living expenses. Usually it is a letter from your bank of your country and also a written pledge from your parents allowing financial support. There ... Full story

Rules for Working in Canada for International Students

International students can work in Canada for a specific time period according to their selected courses. The immigration and citizenship of Canada also allows international students to work in Canada for a limited time period by providing temporary resident visa. International students are required to arrive in Canada with having sufficient money with them that is required to live and also to pay the bills. ... Full story

Geography of the Canada

Canada is the country which has very large and diverse ranges of geographical features. Actually the Canada is divided into 10 provinces and is also has 02 main territories. Canada usually stretches its border from the Pacific Ocean which is on the west to the Atlantic Ocean which is on the east. Usually Canada has small population that is round about 28 million peoples because ... Full story

Why Study in Canada is Better

Actually the Canadian education is based on the structure of the territories and also based on the total government of each state. This is the best way to create an excellent diverse educational system in Canada. The colleges and universities in Canada are actually free to design their own courses and programs. Canadian colleges and universities do this to fit the particular areas of the ... Full story

Canada is Bilingual Nation

The best thing of Canada is that it is the bilingual country of the world that has two official languages which are French and English. Actually there is a vast majority of French speaking Canadians that live in the Canadian province named Quebec which is located in the eastern part of Canada. There are also many French speaking communities through out the country. 3 According to ... Full story

Canada Is Very High Tech Country

Canada is the best country in the world that has stimulating environment to learn and also to do business. Peoples of Canada always say thanks to the contribution of talented and bright scientists, entrepreneurs and researchers of Canada. Actually the country of Canada is one of best international leader for information technologies and also for computers. Canada is also having a big reputation of excellence ... Full story

Canada Safest Place in the World for Study

The country of Canada is always considered to be relatively peaceful, orderly and safe country of the world. The crime rates in Canada are very low and are also decreased from ten years. International students who come to Canada to get higher education should have to follow the same common sense safety precautions as they have to follow any where in the world. Students are ... Full story
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