china education system

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Northwest Part of China

The western part of the China is much higher than the Eastern part and in the Northwest part of China there is Tarim Basin. This area is actually separated by the mountains which are known as Tian Shan, Pamir, Kunlun Shan and Karakorum and the desert Gobi in its east. The Tarim Basin which is located in this region is actually desert scenery with the ... Full story

Southeast Part of China

The Southeast part of china has got more forests than any other part because the climate rice is cultivated here in very big amount. There are mountains that are Qinling-Shan which separates Northeast China from the Southeast China. The Climate of the Southeast China is very warm-moderate and is rainy and you will also find many beautiful sceneries in this area. The Karst sceneries ... Full story

Northeast Part of China

The northeast province of China is the most populated but it is also known as the heartland of the Chinese Civilization. Eastern part of the China is much lower than the Western part of the China and there are little forests in the Northeast Part of China. There are agricultural fields on the places where there were only forests in the old times and ... Full story

Why Study in China is Better

China is actually a country which has four ancient civilizations in the world with the help of splendid cultures and with their very long history. There are many aspects of the cultures that include Chinese Kong Fu and Chinese traditional medicine. China is actually a country which has world’s most robust economy in the world and is also the host country for the Olympic Games ... Full story

Career Promotion Chances in China

The Chinese medical clinics are increasing day by day that is the reason more and more foreign students are engaging them selves in the field of medicine treatment. In some of the countries of the world the Chinese medicines are very popular that is the reason the speaker of the Chinese languages are to many. If you get experience of learning Chinese medicine in the ... Full story

Chinese Education System of Medicine

Actually the Chinese medicine is very powerful medicine which is very professional. All the international students love to learn the Chinese medicine and like little to learn Chinese language for daily communication. The good thing is that China is improving in many aspects of the life that include conditions and the study environment in much of the medical universities and medical training schools of China ... Full story

Chinese Medicine

The medicine of China has a history behind it which is more than thousands of years and is very effective in the time of illness and is also considered as the best treatment. The medicines of China are used for the prevention of illness and also for life extension because these medicines are made after the practice of clinic for several thousand years. The Chinese ... Full story

Costs for All Self Supporting International Students in China

Costs of all self supporting international students may vary according to their living conditions and according to their chosen subjects or courses of studies. To get the exact information about costs of self supporting international students please check with the admission department of each institution of China. The roughly costs for all self supporting international students are included in the table shown below.  ... Full story

Education System of China

The government of China has placed a major priority on the developing education and also to put forward the strategy of revitalizing the country with education and science. Chinese government is making constant efforts to deepen the reform of their entire education systems and also to implement a program that will be of nine years compulsory education that includes compulsory education from primary school to ... Full story

Short Term Training Courses in China

Now the short term courses in the schools, colleges and universities of China are offered in different area that include calligraphy, Chinese literature, architecture, economics, traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese law, sports and art. Courses in the Universities of China are also offered during holidays in Chinese institutes. All the international students are encouraged to continue their studies in their respected field of study and can ... Full story
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