study abroad

Teacher Training Colleges in Malaysia

The teacher training colleges in Malaysia are also the best because they are responsible to provide best training to all the professional teachers. Teacher training colleges are also responsible to produce teachers under the management of the teacher’s education division that shows that Malaysian Ministry of Education is doing their best to make their educational standard the world most wanted.   For more information about Study ... Full story

Community Colleges in Malaysia

The community colleges in Malaysia are also the best education provider in the world. Actually all the community colleges of Malaysia teach students the best and the institutions train their student’s different skills so that when they leave they can re-skill or up-skill themselves in their respected field of the study.   For more information about Study in Malaysia please visit here: Full story

Polytechnic Institutes in Malaysia

The polytechnic institutes of Malaysia provide the best technical education which is also recognized in the world. Actually the polytechnic institutes in Malaysia train school leavers in the form of skilled technical assistants and best technicians in different fields of engineering.   For more information about Study in Malaysia please visit here: Full story

Public Universities in Malaysia

Actually the public universities of Malaysia are the best because they are fully funded by the government of the Malaysia. That is the reason the education of public universities in Malaysia is the best and is also not expensive.   For more information about Study in Malaysia please visit here: Full story

Overview of the Country Malaysia

Actually the Malaysia is a Southeast Asian country which is well known because it is simultaneously modern, traditional, historic, well developed and very peaceful multicultural country. With very large Indian and Chinese population there are many Indigenous Malay and traditional tribes that includes Bidayuh and Iban that lives alongside with Indian and Chinese population. Due to this the Malaysia is considered as the international flavor ... Full story

About Malaysia

Actually the country of Malaysia is federal constitutional monarchy of the Southeast Asia. Malaysia is a country which has 13 states and three federal territories and also has a total number of areas of 3, 29,978 Square Kilometer which is separated in to two different regions by the South China Sea which is known as Malaysian Borneo and Peninsular Malaysia. The land borders of Brunei, ... Full story

Culture and Religion of Malaysia

Actually the Malay of Malaysia is very similar to the Malays of the countries of Philippines and Indonesia and from round about 60% of the total population of Malaysia. There are round about 25% Chinese, 8% of the Indians and remaining are indigenous peoples of the Sarawak and Sabah from the total population of Malaysia. The country of Malaysia is different in religious beliefs and ... Full story

Economy of Malaysia

Actually the economy of the Malaysia is state oriented and is newly industrialized market economy. The country of Malaysia has one of the best records in Asia with having a GDP which is growing with an annual average of 6.5 percent from the years 1957 to 2005. In the year of 2010, the GDP of per capita was US $414.400 billion and in the year ... Full story

History of Malaysia

The evidence of the human’s habitation in the country of Malaysia dates back to more than 40,000 years and the first inhabitants that are thought are Negritos. As early as the first century different traders and settlers that are from China and India arrived in the 1st century AD and in the 2nd and 3rd centuries they established towns and trading ports. This also resulted ... Full story

Government of Malaysia

Actually Malaysia is also well known because it is a federal constitutional elective monarchy. The legislative power of Malaysia is divided between state and federal legislatures. Actually the bicameral federal parliament consists of the lower house, the senate and the house of the representatives. Actually the 222-members of the house of the representatives are elected for five years maximum period and are elected from single ... Full story
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