Identification Requirements
- Tuesday, June 14, 2011, 6:14
- Test Prep, TOEFL
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You must bring valid identification (ID) and your registration number on test day. No one may take the test without them.
A valid ID with your name, signature and photograph must have:
- the same name you used when you registered
- your entire first/given name and entire last/family name
- a clear, recent photo
Changes cannot be made unless your name is misspelled. Expired documents or copies of documents are not accepted.
Valid IDs for Testing in Your Country of Citizenship. You Must Bring One of These:
- passport or driver’s license with name, photo and signature
- state or province ID issued by the motor vehicle agency with name, photo and signature
- national ID with name, photo and signature
- military ID with name, photo and signature
Valid IDs for Testing Outside Your Country of Citizenship. You Must Bring One of These:
- passport with name, photo and signature
- U.S. military ID card with name, photo and signature. If your military ID card does not contain your name, photo and signature, a supplemental ID is required.
The following documents are also acceptable for admission, but must be accompanied by a supplemental ID that contains your name, photo and/or signature.
- permanent resident card/resident alien card (Form I-551 or I-151)
- temporary resident card (Form I-688)
- Employment Authorization Card (Form I-688A, I-688B or I-766)
- Mexican Border Crosser Card (This form of ID is accepted only at test centers within 25 miles of the Mexican border.)
Valid IDs for Testing in the United Kingdom:
- Students who apply to the Home Office/United Kingdom Border Agency (UKBA) for a visa extension may be required to surrender their passports for the duration of the application process. As a result, these students cannot present their passports at the test center for admission to the TOEFL iBT test.
- Students in this situation must present all of the following items in lieu of a passport:
- Official Letter from the Home Office verifying that the passport was surrendered,
- Copy of the Passport or a supplemental ID with photo and signature, and
- Confirmation of identity letter from the educational institution that the examinee attends
- The letter must include the sponsor institution’s license number, and it must state specifically that the institution is verifying the examinee’s ID information, photo, and signature.
- The letter must also meet all of the following standard requirements for a confirmation of identity letter: It must contain the examinee’s name and signature, date of birth, a clear, recent photo, the name of the school and the date issued. A letter of identity is valid for one year. The letter must be typed on the school’s original letterhead, and the signature of a school official and the school seal must overlap the photo.
Valid IDs for Testing in Bangladesh, India, Nigeria and Pakistan:
- Only valid passports with name, photo and signature are accepted.
Valid IDs for Testing in European Union/Schengen Zone Countries:
- You may use your valid national or European Union identity card.
- The card must contain your name, photograph, date of birth and signature.
Important Note:
- To be admitted to the test center, all passports and other IDs must be in English-language letters and have your signature.
- Please arrive at least 30 minutes before the specified start time. If you are late, you may not get in and could lose your test fee.
Your ID May Be Verified at the Test Center By:
- thumb printing
- signature comparison
- photographing/videotaping
- other forms of electronic ID confirmation
If you refuse to have your ID verified, you will not be permitted to take the test and you will forfeit your test fee.
When You Need Additional Identification:
- If the test center administrator questions your ID, you will be required to provide a second proof of identity.
- If your primary ID does not have your name, photo and signature, you must present a second form of valid ID.
- If your passport is not written in English-language letters, you must provide a second form of ID that has a clear, recent photo and is in English. If confirmation cannot be made, you may not be admitted and you will forfeit your test fee.
Types of Additional Identification that Are Accepted:
- a government-issued ID, including but not limited to: a passport, driver’s license, state/province ID card or military ID card
- student ID
- confirmation of identity letter from your school, which must contain your name and signature, date of birth, a clear, recent photo, the name of your school and the date issued. Your letter must be typed on the school’s original letterhead. The signature of a school official and the school seal must overlap your photograph. A letter of identity is valid for one year.
Do Not Bring Any of the Documents Listed Below:
(These documents will NOT BE accepted on test day.)
- any expired ID
- birth certificate
- international driver’s license
- draft classification card
- international student ID
- credit/debit card of any kind
- notary-prepared letter or document
- Social Security card
- employee ID card
- learner’s permit or any temporary ID (for example, a temporary driver’s license)
- photocopy of ID
For general questions about acceptable ID, call:
If you have been granted political asylum or refugee status, you must contact the ETS Office of Testing Integrity before you register to test. If you do not contact this office before you register and you are not admitted to the test center, you will forfeit your registration and test fees.
ETS Office of Testing Integrity
Phone: 1-609-406-5430
Fax: 1-609-406-9709
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