- Wednesday, June 20, 2012, 12:27
- ECAT, News, Test Prep
The intermediate students will be free after competing of their exams and it is usual that the intelligent students of F.Sc (Pre-engineering) want to appear in the ECAT (Engineering College Admission Test). If you want to appear in ECAT then you will require information regarding the schedule, syllabus, admission information and date sheets etc.
Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) has approved an entrance test which you will ...
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Islamabad, Federal Government has declared the results of successful candidates in the FPSC exams 2011. The candidates whose Roll Numbers, Names and Domiciles are mentioned in the following statement (in order of merit) have finally declared successful in the Competitive Examination (CSS), 2011 for recruitment to posts (BS-17) under the Federal Government.
Total 786 male candidates as well as 604 female candidates have been qualified for ...
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- Thursday, February 9, 2012, 12:27
- CSS, Date Sheet, Exam Date Sheet, News, Test Prep
Federal Public Service Commission has announced date sheet of CSS examination 2012, for the post of BPS-17. The exams will commence on Feb 25, 2012 and will end on March 10, 2012. For detail of a particular subject and date see the file given.
CSS Exams Date Sheet 2012
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- Wednesday, June 15, 2011, 5:12
- BISE, bisemdn - Mardan, Inter Part 1 Result, Inter Part 2 Result, Intermediate Result, News, PMS, Results
Salam Students, as per latest information regarding BISE Mardan which is also known as bisemdn, Inter Result Mardan Board 2011, All Pakistan BISE Mardan Board 10th Result 2011 will be announced shortly. Inter Result Mardan Board 2011 can easily be downloaded from following links. It is very easy to view Inter Result Mardan Board 2011. Yes students, khyber Pakhtunkhwa BISE Boards result, Inter Result Mardan ...
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- Tuesday, June 14, 2011, 8:27
- SAT, Test Prep
The SAT is an aptitude test. Like all aptitude tests, should choose a medium in which to measure intellectual ability. The SAT has chosen math and English.
The question is - does it measure aptitude for college? The SAT's ability to predict performance in college is just a little better than chance.
No test can measure all aspects of intelligence. Thus any admission test, no matter how ...
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- Tuesday, June 14, 2011, 8:25
- SAT, Test Prep
The SAT is a three-hour and 45 minute test. Only three hours and twenty minutes of the test count toward your score-- the experimental section is not ...
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- Tuesday, June 14, 2011, 8:24
- SAT, Test Prep
Although time is strictly limited on the SAT, working too quickly can damage your score. Many problems hinge on subtle points, and most require careful reading of the set-up. As a high school heavy reading loads on students, many will follow their academic conditioning and read questions quickly, looking only to the essence of what each requires. Once they have found, they mark their answer ...
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- Tuesday, June 14, 2011, 8:24
- SAT, Test Prep
The two parts of the test are scored independently. You will receive a reading score, writing score, and a math score. Each score ranges from 200 to 800, with a total test score of 600-2400. The average score of each section is about 500. So the total average score is around 1500.
In addition to the scaled score, you will be assigned a percentile ranking is ...
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- Tuesday, June 14, 2011, 8:23
- SAT, Test Prep
Some questions on the SAT are rather hard. Most test takers should skip these questions. We talk about how to identify hard questions as we to them.
Often students become obsessed with a particular problem and valuable time trying to solve. To score, you learn to limit losses and to proceed. All questions are worth the same number of points regardless of difficulty. So skip the ...
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- Tuesday, June 14, 2011, 8:22
- SAT, Test Prep
Like most standardized tests, the SAT lists problems in ascending order of difficulty. Therefore, when trying to decide which questions to skip, save the last.
NOTE: - Some sections subsections Sat. Within these subdivisions, the problems also rise in order of difficulty. For example, one of the writing sections has three subsections: error identification, improving sentences and improving paragraphs. So when the section starts with improving ...
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