- Tuesday, June 7, 2011, 12:23
- CSS, Test Prep
Total Marks - 100
Note: Candidate will be asked to attempt total five questions including one compulsory (objective type) question. They will attempt at least two questions from each Section. Short note within the question (without choice) can also be given.
1. Concept and process of communication : Source, Message, Channel, Destination. Encoding, Decoding, Noise, Feedback Oral vs. Written Communication, Two step flow ...
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- Tuesday, June 7, 2011, 12:22
- CSS, Test Prep
Total Marks - 100
1. Individual, Culture and Society : Individual as a social product. The variety of social forms. Methods of socialization, Ethnocentricism, Norms and Values, Cultural Patterns, Varieties of sub-cultures.
2. Sociological Theory : The sociological perspectives— Evolutionary, order and conflict, Evolutionary Theorists : Ibn-i-Khaldun Spencer and Tannis, Order Theorists: August Comte, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, Conflict Theorists : George Hegel. Karl ...
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- Tuesday, June 7, 2011, 12:22
- CSS, Test Prep
(i) Ecology and Gcneral Silvicullure.
(ii) Forest Statistics, Mensuration and Research Methods.
(iii) Forest Management and Economics.
(iv) Water Shed Management.
(v) Range Management
(vi) Forests surveying and Engineering.
(vii) Forest Policy, Law and Protection.
(viii) Forest Biology, Wildlife and Natural Park Management.
Manual of Silviculture for Pakistan
Champion. Seth & Khattak, G.M.
Forest Types of Pakistan
Principles of Silviculture
Daniel. T.W. Helms & Baker
Plant ...
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- Tuesday, June 7, 2011, 12:21
- CSS, Test Prep
Total Marks-100
1. Natural Resources (Land, Water, Biological, Environmental, Solar and energy) as bases for agricultural production. Agriculture as integrated system of components like Crops, Livestock, Fisheries, Forestry. Range Management. Socio-economics etc. Role of research and newer technologies in current and future agriculture in Pakistan.
2. Elements of climate and their relationship with crop growth. Factors of soil, Soil formation and development of soil profile, ...
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- Tuesday, June 7, 2011, 12:21
- CSS, Test Prep
Total Marks - 200
PAPER I (Marks - 100)
1. Political Theory
(i) Western Political Thought
Plato, Aristotle, Machiavelli, Montesquieu, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Bentham, Mill, Marx, Lenin, Mao
(ii) Muslim Political Thought
AI-Farabi, Al-Mawardi, Nizam-ul-Mulik Tusi, Al-Ghazali, Ibn-I-Khaldun, Iqbal
2. The nature and emergence of Modern state system, Islamic concept of state.
3. Political concepts, Sovereignty, Law, Liberty, Equality, Rights and ...
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- Tuesday, June 7, 2011, 12:20
- CSS, Test Prep
(Total Marks - 100)
1. Public Administration -Its nature and scope, the role of Public Administration in a modern Welfare State.
2. Major Schools of thought in Administration, Scientific Management Movement Human Relationalists; Behavioural School; Systemic theory.
3. Bureaucracy,- Concept of Bureaucracy, Theories of Bureaucracy, Ecology of Bureaucracy; Bureaucracy of Pakistan as a Change Agent.
4. Administrative Leadership,- Approaches to the study of Leadership, Forms of ...
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- Tuesday, June 7, 2011, 12:19
- CSS, Test Prep
Total Marks-100
Candidates will he asked to attempt total Five questions including one compulsory (objective type) question. They will attempt at least one question (out of two) from each part. Short note within the question (with-omit choice) can also he given.
1. Nature And Scope of Management-Different Schools of thought.
2. Planning - Planning process; Planning tools; Change Management.
3. Organisation - Type of Organisation; ...
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- Tuesday, June 7, 2011, 12:19
- CSS, Test Prep
Total Marks - 200
PAPER I (Marks - 100)
1. Micro Economics
Consumer behaviour. Determination of market demand and supply, theory of the Firm, Producer’s equilibrium, Pricing of the factors of production.
2. Macro Economics
Basic Economic Concepts. National Income Accounting, Consumption Function and Multiplier, Determination of equilibrium level of income and output, Inflation.
3. Money and Banking
Functions of Money. Quantity Theory of Money, The Fisher ...
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- Tuesday, June 7, 2011, 12:18
- CSS, Test Prep
Total Marks-200
PAPER I (Marks-100)
Principles of Accounting and their applications to all types of Business Organizations Banking, Insurance, Investment, Trading and Industrial Concerns, Accounting for non-profit Organisations. Work-sheet. Financial statements, Financial Reporting, Financial Analysis and Budgeting, Depreciation, Partnership.
Note—Accounting for Executors, Trustees of Deceased Persons, Liquidators, Receivers, Official Agencies, Assignees etc. and Accounting for Multinational Corporation will not be included.
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- Tuesday, June 7, 2011, 12:17
- CSS, Test Prep
Marks - 100
1. Basic Problems of Human Life and their Solutions
Various sources of knowledge-revelation (Wahy) as a source of knowledge and solution to human problem. Divinity and Supremacy of Wahy.
2. Need of Religion and its role in Human Life
Islam and other religions.
3. Islam
Its concept and meanings Deen and Muzhab, Islamic concepts of Universe and Humanity, Place of Humanity in Islam, Man as Vicegerent ...
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