- Saturday, April 6, 2013, 9:23
- News, Punjab University, University
Lahore, The Textile Engineering and Technology Department of University of the Punjab has announced that the short course of the Boiler operation for the two day was held in the University. This course will also improve the performance of the candidates and make them able to operate the boiler successfully.
The course was conducted by the Dean Faculty of Engineering and Technology Prof Dr Muhammad Tariq ...
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- Saturday, April 6, 2013, 9:21
- News, Sargodha University, University
Sargodha, Sargodha University has announced the results of first annual exams for the year 2012 of Doctor of Physical Therapy of first and second years. in the first annual exams of Doctor of Physical Therapy exams, total 54 candidates appeared in which 44 candidates were passed and 10 were failed.
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- Saturday, April 6, 2013, 9:13
- News, University
Faisalabad, Government College University Faisalabad has announced the admission schedule for the exams of MA/MSc Part I & II for the affiliated colleges of the University and private candidates for the first annual exams of 2013.
According to the schedule issued by the Additional Controller of Examinations, the students can submit their admission forms from April 16 to May 07, 2013 with single fee, they can ...
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Sargodha, Sargodha University has announced the results of B.Com Part II second annual exams for the year 2012.
According to the details of the results issued by the Examination Department, total 1587 candidates appeared in the exams in which 907 candidates were declared passed and remaining 680 candidates were failed. The percentage of the result remained 57.15 percent.
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Sargodha, University of Sargodha is going to start MA/MSc Part I, II and Composite second annual exams for the year 2012.
According to the details of the schedule, the second annual exams for the year 2012 for MA/MSc Part I and composite will be started from April 26, 2013 and MA/MSc Part II/composite exams will be started from May 14, 2013. The examination department of the ...
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- Friday, April 5, 2013, 6:41
- BISE, News, Results, University
Peshawar, Khyber Medical University Peshawar announced the result of MBBS third professional exams for the year 2012.
According to the details of the result, about 1143 students of 10 medical colleges of the province appeared in the annual exams in which 609 candidates were declared passed and remaining were failed. The percentage of the result remains 53 percent. The examination department of the Khyber Medical University ...
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Muzaffarabad, Azad Jammu and Kashmir University has announced the results of annual exams of the programs including B.Com, MBA, MA Islamiat, M.Com and MBBS.
The Controller of Examination, Prof Raja Khurshid Ahmed, has made the announcement of the annual exams. According to the press release of the results of the examinations, the University has announced the result of the MA Islamiat Part I annual 2012, M.Com ...
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Multan, Baha-ud-Din Zakariya University Multan has announced the result of the MA Sociology supplementary exams Part I.
According to the details issued by the Examination Department of the University, about 114 candidates appeared in the exams in which 101 candidates were declared pass and the remaining 13candidates were failed. The percentage of the pass candidates remained about 89 percent.
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- Friday, April 5, 2013, 6:38
- News, University
Faisalabad, Government College for Women Karkhana Bazar held the roll number slips of the candidates of third year, who were failed in the college exams. The students made protest against the behavior of the college administration and held the roll number slips of the candidates. The students blocked the road while protesting. At night the college administration accepted the demand of the students and issued ...
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- Friday, April 5, 2013, 6:35
- Karachi University, News, University
Karachi, Karachi University is going to initiate the diploma program in the local government and administration in the department of Political Science. The University organized the inauguration ceremony for the initiation of this diploma program in which the chief guest was the Commissioner of Karachi, Syed Hashim Raza Zaidi.
The chief guest said in the inauguration ceremony that with the launch of the diploma program in ...
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