Papers of semester of Autumn 2011 scheduled to held in the entire examination centers of Sindh province today 23 May, 2012, have been cancelled.
New dates will be announced later.
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National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) has announced the 2012 call for proposal of the "Postdoctoral Fellowship Program for Foreign Researchers" in the field of Natural Science and Engineering. Application deadline is 31 May 2012.
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- Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 6:10
- Karachi University, News, University
Karachi, University of Karachi (KU) has make decision for the extension of the schedule for the Semester Examinations 2012 till June 4. Summer vacation will commence from June 5 to July 15. However, the schedule for evening program will not change.
The convener of the Postgraduate Admission Committee, Prof Dr Shahana Urooj Kazmi has revealed that successful candidates of MPhil/PhD/MS/MD aptitude tests were ordered to report ...
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KARACHI: Owing to tense situation in the metropolis, University of Karachi on Tuesday announced postponement of all the scheduled papers for Wednesday, Geo news reported.
Sindh Board of Technical Education (SBTE) has also postponed papers scheduled for Wednesday across the province. The papers will now be held on May 28.
Meanwhile, according to official communiqué issued from office of Vice Chancellor, Qauid-e-Awam Engineering of University, all the ...
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Lahore; Punjab University is going to conduct B.Com annual Exams in the month of June as conducting earlier. PU B.Com Date Sheet 2012 for Part 1 and Part 2 is anxiously awaited for Punjab University students. Date Sheet will be made available one month before starting of Exams which are going to start in the month of June. Both Part 1 and 2 of ...
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Islamabad, Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) is commencing its final examinations pertaining to matriculation and postgraduate programs of Autumn Semester 2011 from May 21, 2012 throughout the country.
AIOU Controller of Examinations Muhammad Bashir Chaudhry has told that roll number slips of the students of matriculation and postgraduate programs have already been dispatched at their addresses by postal mail service.
He further added that students, waiting for ...
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University of Azad and Jammu Kashmir has officially announce the result of AJKU B.A./B.Sc. Supplementary 2011.
You can check your result on the links below...
AJK University Results
AJKU BA / BSc Result
AJK University
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- Thursday, May 17, 2012, 5:56
- Karachi University, News, University
L.L.B. & L.L.M. Annual Exam 2012
Examination form submission
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- Thursday, May 17, 2012, 5:54
- News, Punjab University, University
It is hereby notified that the following B.S & B.Sc Home Economics Annual Examinations, 2012 shall commence according to the following programme:-
Sr. No.
Name of Examinations
Date of Commencement
B.S Home Economics Part-I (1st Year) Annual Examination, 2012.
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- Tuesday, May 15, 2012, 8:48
- News, Punjab University, University
Lahore, Students of Electric Engineering,
Punjab University stood victorious in 10 awards in various categories in Rachna Electrical and Electronic competition 2012 by exhibiting their outstanding performance.
Punjab university students snatched all three positions in the main category of Project exhibition. The team consists of Muhammad Zeeshan, Aleem Farooq, Maaz Tahir and Marzooq Ahmed got first position while Muhammad Rehan Yousaaf, Muhammad Azeem Javed, Mah ...
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