Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad announced that it would offer the special scholarships to the students, who get over 75% marks in their latest exams. The university has maintained this
scholarship scheme to the students, who get maximum marks and it will promote the competition among the students and ...
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commonwealth scholarships 2017 have been announced by the management of commonwealth in the developing and member countries of the organization like Pakistan. The scholarship program is offered to the students, who want to
study abroad. The commonwealth countries provide the funds for this purpose and the department for international ...
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- Saturday, September 9, 2017, 10:05
- Scholarships, University
Government College University GCU of Lahore announced the scholarships to the overseas students, who are going to study in the undergraduate and postgraduate studies. The
scholarships are offered to the students in all degree programs and 30 Nigerian students are already getting education on the Pakistani scholarships in the university.
It is reported that the scholarships will be awarded to the ...
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- Wednesday, August 30, 2017, 7:47
- BISE, BISE Multan, Past Papers
Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Multan has provided the intermediate class part 1 question papers and keys for the annual exams 2017.
Multan Board FA/FSc annual exams 2017 question papers are provided online for different subjects and the students can download their relevant papers and they need to read them and understand the nature of the question. If the ...
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The Chevening Secretariat asked the eligible candidates to send the application forms for the
UK government scholarship to get
education in the UK during 2018-2019.
The interested candidates can submit their application forms for
scholarships from 01 August 2017 to 07 November 2017. The Chevening Scholarships are offered to the candidates ...
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- Tuesday, August 8, 2017, 11:24
- Resources, Scholarships
Higher Education Commission HEC is responsible for the
higher education in the universities within the country and also sends the students in the abroad universities on the
scholarship basis. There are about 5780 scholars, who are proceeded to the advanced countries to get the ...
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- Friday, July 28, 2017, 10:31
- BISE, BISE Multan, Past Papers
Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Multan has issued the question papers of the past years in different subjects. The students of Multan board should read these question papers and try to solve them in order to make good preparation of their intermediate class part 2 annual exams. When the students read BISE Multan
FA/FSc part 2 past papers, they ...
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- Thursday, July 20, 2017, 12:09
- News, Scholarships, Universities
Oil and Gas Development Company Limited has started the need based
scholarship program to about 130 students, who have good academic background but they are financially weak to continue their education.
The students, who want to get higher education in the multitude of various fields like Engineering, Law, History, Business Administration, Defense and Strategic Studies, Sociology, Gender Studies, Pak Studies, Math, Biochemistry, Information Technology, ...
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- Tuesday, July 4, 2017, 9:51
- Resources, Scholarships
Higher Education Commission provides the
scholarships to the candidates for their PhD degree and they ask the application forms from the candidates. Now HEC has extended the deadline for the submission of the application forms to apply for the PhD scholarships till 10 July 2017.
As there were ...
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- Saturday, July 1, 2017, 7:59
- Jobs
Rawalpindi, Punjab Education Department is going to fill the 4960 empty posts all over Punjab province in different categories. The education department has announced that the empty posts are being filled in different areas till 30th July 2017.
According to the detail of the empty posts in the education ...
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