Study Abroad


Elementary Education in Canada

In Canada the elementary schools generally includes all those students that are studying from grade 1 to grade six. In other words elementary schools generally includes all those students that are six to 12 years old and are included when the next step is junior high school. It is also seen that in some areas of Canada the elementary education system is extended to grade ... Full story

Kindergarten Education system of Canada

Generally the education in Canada begins from Kindergarten. In two province of Canada named Ontario and British Columbia, Junior Kindergarten education system is also provided. In some of the areas of Canada there is also no need of Kindergarten education and in some areas of Canada, kindergarten education systems are not available. According to the rules a five years old child will be admitted in ... Full story

Education system of Canada

Education system of Canada: The best structure of Canadian education system includes elementary or junior or middle school, Kindergarten, post secondary education and secondary or high schools. Actually the education system of Canada is always administered by the government of territory and also by the government of provinces. Mostly all the territories and provinces always offer free schooling for 12 years except one province which is ... Full story

Study Fees in Canada

Actually the universities of Canada are the cheapest universities from countries like Australia, UK and USA. The main thing is that the commonwealth scholarships are the main source of funding for the universities of Canada at the level of post-graduate. But these scholarships are restricted to some number of those students that live in commonwealth countries. For the year fee costs in Canada is round about ... Full story

Canadian additional compulsory type fees are on the rise

Canadian additional compulsory type fees are on the rise: Actually the bundle of services that were included in the additional compulsory fees always varies from one institution to other institutions and can be changed with the passage of time. Usually it includes fees that are paid for the athletics, student associations, student health services and also many other fees structures that are paid to all those ... Full story

International Students in Canada are Paying the most

International Students in Canada are Paying the most: The average fees for all the international undergraduate students was round about CAN $16,850 in the session 2010/2011 which was having an increase of 5.4% from the previous rates. Actually for all undergraduate students this increase of tuition fees was actually smaller than the previous year tuition fees and in Nova Scotia the charges of tuition fees was ... Full story

MBA programs in Canada are the most expensive than Graduate programs

MBA programs in Canada are the most expensive than Graduate programs: When students were studying graduate level programs that Master of Business Administration were the most expensive programs which was having tuition fees of round about CAN $28,950 and the fees of regular MBA were CAN $21,350. There was only one program which was less increased from all the programs of graduate studies that was Veterinary Medicine ... Full story

Students are still paying highest rates for Undergraduate Programs

Students are still paying highest rates for Undergraduate Programs: From last two years the students that come to Canada to get higher education in Undergraduate programs have paid the highest average fee which is round about CAN $14,850 for the sessions of 2010/2011. The fees that students of medicine are paying is round about CAN $10,300 and students of Pharmacy are paying round about CAN ... Full story

Graduate programs in Canada are more expensive then undergraduate programs

Graduate programs in Canada are more expensive then undergraduate programs: All the graduate students face very high fees at international levels which are the more then the fees of undergraduate programs. In the years 2009-2010, all graduate students paid 6.6% because of the increase of study fees for graduate programs in Canada. Actually the graduate programs are increase with an increase rate of 4.2%. All those ... Full story

Canada Top Colleges & Universities List

Canada Top Colleges & Universities List There are more then 1700 colleges and universities in Canada that offers best education through out the world. There are some most common universities and colleges of Canada that are listed below. International students select their desired college or university from this list so check it and select any university or college for your best future. There are more then 1700 ... Full story
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