- Friday, January 6, 2012, 7:40
- News, Peshawer University, University
A one day science exhibition was held at College of Home Economics University of Peshawar in which more than forty posters, and forty five chemical and models were on display showing the creative invention capabilities of the students. To go with this a science quiz competition was also held on the side lines of the exhibition as well in which B.sc part IIIrd eventually clinched ...
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- Thursday, December 22, 2011, 6:22
- News, Peshawer University, University
As is evident from the battles that we had fought in the past, war with India is not going to bring prosperity to people on both sides of the divide. The designs of the so called`` Janta`` which comprise of some intellects, landlords, few businessmen and Army generals to not allow trade with India and promote hatred for their own vested interests is not going ...
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University College for Boys Second Monthly Result has been Declared.
Click the link below to download full Excel file !!!
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- Tuesday, December 20, 2011, 8:32
- News, Peshawer University, University
The Convocation of Law College University of Peshawar for the students of sessions 2004 to 2010 is going to be held on December twenty four this year. A meeting of the convocation committee chaired by Vice Chancellor University of Peshawar Prof. Dr. Azmat Hayat Khan was held in this connection to finalize the arrangements for the ceremony.
The chair of the committee decided to invite parents ...
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- Thursday, December 15, 2011, 8:09
- News, Peshawer University, University
Although reforms in the Frontier Crime Regulations is a way forward towards the better for the people of FATA yet peace and security remains their major problems and in the absence of them all the reforms and regulations in the law would be very much academic than practical, said speakers at the one day open forum on FATA reforms, past and present held at Department ...
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- Tuesday, December 13, 2011, 8:00
- News, Peshawer University, University
The U.N. General Assembly has designated the year 2011 as the “International Year of Chemistry.” with the slogan: “ Chemistry—our life, our future”
The goals of IYC 2011 are:
To increase public appreciation of chemistry in meeting world needs.
To increase the interest of young people in chemistry.
To generate enthusiasm for the creative future of chemistry.
To celebrate the 100th anniversary of Madame Curie’s Nobel Prize and the founding of the ...
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- Thursday, December 1, 2011, 10:47
- Peshawer University, University
M.Sc. Home Economics Part-I & Part-II Annual Examination, 2011
It is hereby notified that the following M.Sc Home Economics Annual Examinations, 2011shall commence according to the programme given below:-
Sr. No.
Name of Examinations
M.Sc. Home Economics Part-I
Annual Examination, 2011.
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- Saturday, October 8, 2011, 8:29
- News, Peshawer University, University
Speakers at the stakeholders workshop on ``Framework for Economic Growth Pakistan launched by the Planning Commission of Pakistan`` stressed the need for evolving a more practical approach in developing the implementation of the framework while keeping in view the ground realities of the country and especially the law and order problems of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and FATA. They said that the document presented by the Planning ...
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- Saturday, October 8, 2011, 8:27
- News, Peshawer University, University
Stakeholders Workshop Framework for Economic Growth of Pakistan University of Peshawar 6th October, 2011 Venue: Sahibzada Abdul Quyyum Museum Hall University of Peshawar
October 5, 2011
Click here for Details
Directorate of
Planning and Development
University of Peshawar
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- Saturday, October 8, 2011, 8:23
- News, Peshawer University, University
Mr. Badshah Munir , a Ph.D Research Scholar has submitted his thesis on "اردو زبان کے غیرآریائ نظریات کا تیحقیقی و تنقیدی جائزہزہ" to the University of Peshawar.
In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Urdu, the Oral Examination (Public Defence) is scheduled to be held on 12 October, 2011 at 11:00AM in the Pashto Academy Hall, University of Peshawar.
The ...
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